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Promasidor Nigeria holds 2015 long-service awards ceremony

106 members of staff had their years of loyalty and commitment recognised and rewarded with various gifts on Saturday, March 14 2015 when Promasidor Nigeria celebrated its annual staff long-service award ceremony in Lagos.

First to be awarded were 79 members of staff who had devoted their careers to Promasidor for a decade. This was followed by 19 staff members who had spent 15 years, and 8 members of staff who had spent 20 years at Promasidor.

In his welcome address, Managing Director of Promasidor Nigeria, Mr Olivier Thiry, thanked the awardees for their continued commitment and loyalty towards the company. "All of you have helped build this organization brick by brick and what you have done is nothing less than an embodiment of passion, dedication and perseverance that will surely set an excellent model for other colleagues. We therefore salute and applaud you all for your years of dedicated service," said Mr Thiry.

While giving the vote of thanks on behalf of all the awardees, Beatrice Odole said she had seen many improvements in Promasidor through the years and was grateful to the management of Promasidor Nigeria. Apart from the reception and sumptuous buffet spread, all those present were entertained by music and comedy.

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